PREMIERE: Möd3rn – Oscytra

Möd3rn is a global project from Electric Rescue, Maxime Dangles and Kmyle. It’s also a label for the trio’s output.

Last summer they invited Moteka to play with them. Live they now either play as Möd3rn (3 people) or Möd4rn (4 people).

As for the label, Möd3rn will now always be the four guys in the studio, so here is their first EP altogether ‘Trabeos 10’. Welcome Moteka!

We are presenting the third track, first from the B side, fast pacing techno cut ‘Oscytra’, which was recently played by Paula Temple in her BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix.

‘Trabeos 10’ EP will be available from 30th of April on vinyl HERE, and digital HERE.

Möd3rn [SC | BC | FB]