U ovogodišnjem izdanju kontroverzong izbora najboljih svjetskih klubova, koji već godinama zajedno sa svojim čitateljima vrši ugledni DJ Mag, među 100 najboljih klubova smjestilo se čak šest hrvatskih, među kojima je najvišu poziciju osvojila Papaya na Zrću, čak sedmu! Iza nje se našao čak i kultni berlinski Berghain, primjerice.
U prvih pedeset se nalazi i preostalih pet naših predstavnika: Aquarius Zrće je 17., dubrovački Revelin 25., a dva mjesta iza njega se nalazi Barbarellas Discotheque u Tisnom. Noa Beach Club na Zrću je 41., a prvu pedeseticu zatvara još jedan klub s naše najpoznatije partijanerske plaže, Kalypso.
Ukupni pobjednik je i ove godine, kao i dvije prethodne, brazilski superklub Green Valley, koji je tako postao prvi pobjednik ovog izbora tri puta zaredom, čemu treba pridodati i pobjede 2013. i 2015. godine.
Međutim, Papaya mu se opasno približava. Vidimo se dogodine!
This year's winner, a non-mover, it's @greenvalleybr #Top100clubs Please consider supporting the nightlife industry in this difficult time: https://t.co/0Sb5GjtOgw pic.twitter.com/JPYW8ybAvx
— DJ Mag (@DJmag) March 24, 2020
At No. 7, it's @PapayaClub #Top100clubs Please consider supporting the nightlife industry in this difficult time: https://t.co/0Sb5GjtOgw pic.twitter.com/Q2AlMwdc57
— DJ Mag (@DJmag) March 24, 2020
Up two spots to No. 17, it's @AquariusZrce #Top100clubs Please consider supporting the nightlife industry in this difficult time: https://t.co/0Sb5GjtOgw pic.twitter.com/xI13OZLoJz
— DJ Mag (@DJmag) March 24, 2020
Climbing seven places to No. 25, it's @ClubRevelin #Top100clubs Please consider supporting the nightlife industry in this difficult time: https://t.co/0Sb5GjtOgw pic.twitter.com/5e7DviaCGu
— DJ Mag (@DJmag) March 24, 2020
Up one spot to No. 28, it's @Barbarellas1, Tisno #Top100clubs Please consider supporting the nightlife industry in this difficult time: https://t.co/0Sb5GjtOgw pic.twitter.com/dr4gSAtUFS
— DJ Mag (@DJmag) March 24, 2020
In at No. 41, it's @NoaBeachClub #Top100clubs Please consider supporting the nightlife industry in this difficult time: https://t.co/0Sb5GjtOgw pic.twitter.com/HIMUBd4vRG
— DJ Mag (@DJmag) March 24, 2020
In at No. 60, it's @kalypsozrce #Top100clubs Please consider supporting the nightlife industry in this difficult time: https://t.co/0Sb5GjtOgw pic.twitter.com/SReAt7wdyG
— DJ Mag (@DJmag) March 24, 2020