Prepare to plunge into the depths of sonic exploration as Flug, the visionary from Argentina, resurfaces on MindTrip with his latest opus, the ‘Disclosure’ EP, promising an escape into uncharted territories of sound.
Immersed within the vibrant pulse of Barcelona, Sebastian Lopez AKA Flug delves into the realms of auditory innovation, sculpting a landscape where each beat becomes a portal to the unknown.
From the core of his studio emerges a fusion of rhythm and ritual, where repetitive beats entwine with mantra-like cadences, blurring the boundaries between reality and transcendence.
‘Disclosure’ EP consists of three techno tracks, ‘Transversal’, ‘Portraits’ and ‘Disclosure’. We are presenting the opening track ‘Transversal’.
‘Disclosure’ EP will be available after the 7th of June HERE.