Out of Place, Croatian-based label ran by Insolate, continues with high-delivery, this time on digital with its eight release. ‘Geist’ EP is an all-around techno banger with five tracks signed by young talent from Poland, Szmer.
The tracks on ‘Geist’ EP are ranging from underwater blasts and Detroit machinery to fast attack bouncers and grinders. Szmer cleverly combines raw techno elements with industrial noise and expanding chords capturing the essence of any club oriented floor kickers. Dancers are going to dig this one!
Young Michał Aleksiewicz is a promising Poland producer and a DJ better known these days as Szmer. Walking the Techno path since 2011, he’s been playing all around Poland and also well-known European temples like Tresor and Suicide Circus, although under The Effaith moniker. In almost ten years he managed to release numerous tracks under three different aliases which are mostly influenced by Planetary Assault Systems, Ben Sims, Jeroen Search, Zadig or Sterac aka Steve Rachmad.
We are presenting the fifth and final track. Step by step hats and deep scratches into another ominous realm, ‘Staklo’ is a sinister reminder of what a pure techno vibe means. The whole release is an obvious giveaway for Szmer’s love for cymbals in all forms and ‘Staklo’ is no stranger here. Main break is sudden just as the drop which keeps on pounding until the last second.
‘Geist’ EP will be available after the 29th of June HERE.