PREMIERE: Sun People – Runaway

Footwork meets jungle meets techno meets electro meets dub on Sun People’s new ‘Emotional Distortions’ EP.

Simon Hafner AKA Sun People is an adventurous maverick in quick rhythms. His productions are well known for being fascinatingly hybridised. After his smashing debut LP on dBridge’s Exit Records he is releasing his new EP, ‘Emotional Distortions’, on Candy Mountain.

Consisting of six tracks, ‘Seul’, ‘Runaway’, ‘Rhythm Gutter’, ‘Look Into The Unknown’, ‘Exhausting Care’, and ‘When You Are Around’, ‘Emotional Distortions’ is a unique EP centered around his deft beat programming and takes us on a contemporary dance floor journey of uncompromised fearless groove.

We are presenting the second track ‘Runaway’.

‘Emotional Distortions’ EP will be available after the 21st of June HERE.

Photo: Clara Wildberger